Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Student Recitals Put To Bed!

Good grief it's been a month - but it's taken me that long to recover! ;)

Student recitals have come and gone and it was another wonderful year of watching students achieve things they didn't think they could do! Everyone seemed to have a good time and some of the students were just popping with excitement!

AFBS recital went off without a hitch thanks to students who listened and a wonderful backstage assistant! The bellydance class has the orchestra pit as a dressing room since there are so many of us there and we're there for all the shows (most students aren't). We have a good time down there and it's nice to have some room to move around. The shows went well and no one made any huge mistakes - so each performance was a good one! The audiences were really neat this year - they are learning how to respond to belly dance and the clapping and zaghareets ringing out were awesome. It's always interesting to see what move or combo the audience likes the best and rarely is it the one I think it will be. As a choreographer, it's really fun to sit in the audience and experience their reaction to what we've created. A really great day and I'm very proud of my students!

Dominy recital was a bit more complicated! Dress rehearsal ran late and due to having two seperate numbers in each show - costume changes were crazy! Definately a learning experience there. Having one of my advanced students total her car the night before the show was also scary! Believe it or not the girl danced both shows, with some choreograhy changes to accomodate her injuries!!!! What a trooper! We also had our first experience with technical difficulties in the form of two weeping fog machines! My thanks to the gentelmen who ran the fog for handling a wet mess in the middle of a show with dancers everywhere! Another learning experience! In the end both shows went well and our numbers were well recieved. This year's audience was unsure how to respond to us, but many people came up afterwards saying how much they enjoy us and at dress rehearsal one Mom stopped one of my dancers to plead with us to rehearse soon as her daughter's wouldn't leave until they saw us dance and she was TIRED! One of the best compliments I've gotten over the years! ;) Again my students did me proud and we ended on a high note!

Halleyah :)

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