Thursday, December 4, 2008

November Ate Me!

Good grief, but November ate me! I can't believe that in all the times I thought about posting - I didn't. Such is life.

Well November was busy with classes, website updates (, plans for the January Student Hafla, workshops, family duties, and oh yeah - Turkey Day! Whew - makes me tired just thinking about it all.

I'm still working on the 3rd installment to the history overview. I'm also working on developing a couple of small self done video's for my students to purchase, and an introductory online bellydance class - not teaching technique, but an overview of things that new students might want to know (costuming bits, props, some history, what makes a good teacher, the sub-culture, etc). It's all been truly interesting!

Well the holiday season is arriving as I type - so be safe, be happy, dance a lot!

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