Friday, December 12, 2008

A Personal Note . . .

This blog doesn't usually reflect my personal life much. It's my dance blog - but sometimes life spills over.

My Aunt passed away last night. It's all so sad. She was my mother's older sister and the first of her generation to pass away - I guess I'm getting old enough to notice the change in the wheel of life. She won't be the last and eventually I will be the oldest generation in the family. Kind of a scary thought in some ways. There won't be anyone older to call and say, "Hey! How do I handle this?"

Sad times for me today. Love your family - and most of all remember that any personal issues you have with your family should be resolved. Don't wait - time is always so much shorter than we think! My Aunt and I ended on a good note, but too many folks wait until it's too long to realize that once death comes it's too late to say "I love you" or "I'm sorry".

Be Well Everyone!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

November Ate Me!

Good grief, but November ate me! I can't believe that in all the times I thought about posting - I didn't. Such is life.

Well November was busy with classes, website updates (, plans for the January Student Hafla, workshops, family duties, and oh yeah - Turkey Day! Whew - makes me tired just thinking about it all.

I'm still working on the 3rd installment to the history overview. I'm also working on developing a couple of small self done video's for my students to purchase, and an introductory online bellydance class - not teaching technique, but an overview of things that new students might want to know (costuming bits, props, some history, what makes a good teacher, the sub-culture, etc). It's all been truly interesting!

Well the holiday season is arriving as I type - so be safe, be happy, dance a lot!